New Paradigm Leadership

10-Day Bootcamp 

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New Paradigm Leadership = Stewardship

Old paradigm leadership necessitates staying ahead of, and above, those being influenced.

New paradigm leadership is about managing energy and resources well, starting with yourself.

Self-discipline is essential to creating a foundation of structure for creative energy to flow through. This is true for everyone, regardless of the inner masculine/feminine ratio. While it can be important and healthy to go through phases of the embodiment and integration process that look like no structure, or a lot of structure, ultimately we find that a simple, stable framework provides the necessary foundation for all beings to thrive and create in your natural harmonic.

This 10-day Bootcamp takes you through the foundations of managing your own energy, so you can show up for your life and projects well resourced and be effective in your mission.

The process of learning the nuances of your own energy is training for gracefully managing the energy in the room, of groups, and of projects. Without this foundation, leadership will flounder in the coming times, as the paradigm is shifting with or without us. The fallibility of the bluster we’ve become accustomed to will reveal itself over and over, until there is nothing left of the façade, and we will have to manage with what remains. Better start practicing now;)

Training in this way brings you into alignment with integrity at the center. Integrity is the core of stewardship and the backbone of new paradigm leadership.

 So let’s train 💪

Each day you'll receive a lesson on a new topic:

Day 1 - Daily Practice

Day 2 - Nourishment

Day 3 - Consumption + Creation

Day 4 - Managing Emotions

Day 5 - Instinct Injury Repair

Day 6 - Sourcing Sustenance

Day 7 - Finances

Day 8 - Sexuality

Day 9 - Energetic Embodiment

Day 10 - Self-reflection Strategies

The objective is to contemplate the content, witness yourself in your patterns, and make the refinements that are available to you in each area throughout the 10 days. If you implement all of the suggestions, you will experience a massive transformation of your energy and your experience of Life.

You can let Bootcamp kick your ass, but don't fret if you can't do it all at once! Making whatever adjustments that are available will move you along the pathway of transformation nicely.

This is everything you need to start living in alignment with new paradigm leadership. Time is of the essence, begin now!

JOIN New Paradigm Leadership 10-Day Bootcamp FREE

Get started today to make the most of this opportunity!!