
Some of these resources were created by AVMS, some of them were not. Please enjoy 🤓

Inner Sovereignty

Discover the 6 Soul Patterns

Welcome to the deepest level of energetic patterning that underlies our operating systems as people.

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Technologies of Consciousness

Key knowledge for personal and collective evolution ~ 75 minute video class.

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Wisewoman's Guide to Microdosing

Everything you need to know to microdose responsibly. You're welcome;)

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Flower Essence Resource Guide

Dosage instructions and where to source your flower essences.

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Outer Sovereignty

Outer Sovereignty Starter Kit

AVMS's guide to jurisdiction, lawful money, and PMAs. A treasure trove of free info.

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Weiss's Concise Trustee Handbook

The venerable Carlton Weiss laid the groundwork for the Private Express Trust movement with this generous publication.

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Trustees in Commerce

Another valuable resource from Carlton Weiss about navigating as a Trustee.

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The Great Taking

Incredible exposé on the financial system by David Rogers Webb.

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The Creature from Jeckyll Island

Incredible audiobook by G. Edward Griffin, explaining the formation of the Federal Reserve and our current monetary system.

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The Law, The Money,  and Your Choice

Lee Brobst breaks down the legal formation of the public financial system, and how to extricate yourself. 

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House Joint Resolution 192

This act of congress laid the foundation for the current monetary system. Lee Brobst refers to it in the previous resource.

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