Enter The Mystery

Integrate, Activate, & 

Entrain to the Gaian Codex



This is Soul Work

You understand that the implications of being called to study the Mystery of Life are far reaching, the lessons are broader than this one incarnation, and the medicine is for all of time.

This is Practical Magic

Learn to manage your energy so you can co-create with ease. Walk in alignment with Life and be shown the way forward, find yourself in the right place at the right time, and always have exactly what you need.

No Time Like the Present

We are at a precipice of consciousness when it is especially important to have agency over our awareness. We must captain our own ships on these stormy seas.

Descend to Ascend

Take the Embodiment Path

Mama Gaia is the Mainframe, the Motherboard, and the Router

 This work is rooted deeply in the Earth 

Heal ~ Balance ~ Be a Blessing


Know the Self ~ Accept the Self ~ Become the Creator

Remember who you really are

You are a multidimensional being, here on a journey of embodiment

Restore your inborn power & freedom

Your innate operating system may need a tune up to run optimally

Heal yourself at every level

Body, mind & soul

Cultivate your bioenergetic field

In connection with Gaia for vitality and embodied evolution

Activate your innate gifts

You come with inherent gifts that the world needs

Join a fellowship of New Earth Stewards

Remember, discover, and share the journey together

Co-create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible

We've got this

What's in a Membership?


We are radical New Earth visionaries who are manifesting magic on the regular. Gaia speaks to us directly, and through the plants, animals, elements, land spirits, and each other. We orient to Place and learn directly from the land itself. We listen deeply and follow the signs towards deeper embodiment and alignment with living in authentic power and our innate ability to create what Gaia wants for us. We recognize money as a tool in the current paradigm, and that new ways of resourcing ourselves are emerging. When you join the AVMS Membership, you are joining a movement of people who are putting our energy into a shared intention and vision of living in Sovereign Unity, aka Synarchy. We know we are here to bring the new paradigm of life on Earth into form, and we draw each other forward on this shared path of liberation. As a member, you not only gain access to a library of self-healing transmissions, templates, and energy activations, you immerse yourself in the collective field of mutual support and our collective embodiment of the teachings. We go much faster, and much stronger, together. Join us!

 Membership includes:

  • A resonant field of medicine, generated by the teachings
  • A curriculum of multidimensional teachings, templates, and embodied activations in the realms of sovereignty, self-healing, energy management, awakening, and landing your gifts to support your soul evolution and deliver your mission
  • New content added regularly
  • Practices to support you 
  • Live meetup call every month
  • A vibrant online platform for cultivating fellowship with other sacred sovereign creators and New Earth stewards

Curriculum Includes:

  • Aligning with the Original Tree of Life & Reclaiming the Spirit Twin
  • Healing & Activating the Root & Crown 
  • Balancing Giving & Receiving
  • Higher Self dispensation
  • Practices for Energy Mastery
  • Cleansing protocols & recipes 
  • Harmonizing Masculine & Feminine (coming soon)
  • Holistic self-healing through the 7+ major energy centers (coming soon)
  • Emergent teachings as we traverse the edge of becoming

Monthly Membership


Join In

  • Library of templates & activations 
  • New content added regularly
  • Live connection call each month
  • Fellowship with other sacred sovereign creators
Join Today!

Annual Membership


Dive Deep

  • 2 months free with annual Membership
  • Live connection call each month
  • New content added regularly
  • Energy activations for New Earth stewards
  • Fellowship with other sacred sovereign creators
Join Today!

Why "Fellowship"?

I think the term "community" is overused in online spaces. I see that community is built, boots on the ground, bumping up against each other, smelling each other, eating together, building things together. This is really important! Everyone needs community, and if you don't have it, I encourage you to find it, build it, create it. I choose the term "fellowship" for what we co-create in online spaces, which is also super important! It's possible or likely that you don't have people in your immediate community who resonate with the deep evolutionary work of a Mystery School. Having a shared language is a rare gift. Having a space to share our experiences and to witness and be witnessed in the unfolding is priceless. Enjoy the opportunity to connect with your fellow deep divers at AVMS.

Technologies of Consciousness is an intro class and context for the Mystery School Membership, with practices you can start now. Subscribe to the AVMS circle and check out the FREE class! 

Sample the Mystery ~ FREE Class

~ Technologies of Consciousness for Evolving the Earth Collective ~

Tend the soil to nourish the roots, 

nourish the roots to bear good fruits